Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 :::

I had a doctor appointment a week ago, and have some questions related to it.
  • I've been prescribed an epi-pen. (This is quite precautionary, though I kind of have the impression that they generally are.) These are generally expected to be self-administered. This means that they're for situations in which a patient is conscious of the fact that he is at a significant risk of death, and in which more adrenaline will ameliorate the situation. I would think that sort of thing would be self-limiting.
  • I'm helping the doctor's office get some of my medical information from other practices. I had imagined that they would send a form to the other practice, and the other practice would send back all my medical data, but it seems they instead make more narrow requests. This seems strange and bad to me; I would think ideally my current doctor would have access to everything in his own systems. Is there a good reason for this? Is it a system that kind of evolved in a nonideal way, rather than being top-down, and it would be hard to switch? Or is this a consequence of excessive concerns for privacy? (I tend to strongly defend pro-privacy positions, but to be rather free with my own information; I'm a supporter of the principle that people should have privacy if they want it. I also think people should be able to forego privacy if they like, to the extent that it doesn't scare the horses. I kind of like some privacy, but I more want not to die. If this is a privacy concern someone has on my behalf, I'd very much like to waive it.)

Update: On one hand, I don't know that a parenthetical should take over a blog post, but, on the other, it wouldn't be outside of the norm for me. One of the things about privacy is that I'm often rather surprised about the things people are wary of having known by whom, and what things they aren't. People who talk about their sex lives at parties, i.e. around strangers, but worry that a computer somewhere has their Ikea purchases stored in a database. On some level I still wish them well with getting the privacy they want, insofar as it doesn't cost me much, but they're going to have a hard time getting me seriously worked up about it, or eliciting from me an intuitive sense that this latter offense is obviously egregious and that whoever built the database must be evil.


::: posted by dWj at 6:52 PM

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Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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