Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Thursday, April 21, 2005 :::

If you used to watch Tru Calling, but gave it up because of its complete lack of subtlety, they're doing better. I'm not 100% behind the show now, but I'm no longer embarrassed to admit that I watch it. Thursday night on Fox; I think it's a rerun next week.

Speaking of which, I almost skipped House this week and was glad I didn't. It was less on-formula than usual, and the non-formula part was, as usual, pretty good. On the down side, I assume Dr. Cameron won't be back. And someone really should develop a drinking game including the lines "stop lying to me" and "you're killing my patient."

::: posted by Steven at 10:31 PM

I don't know, it seems likely that she will be back eventually since Vogler is gone... though it's very odd (but, I suppose, self-centered--in keeping with House himself) that "the gang" doesn't even note her absence at the end of the episode.

Incidentally, Morrison is surprisingly young to be playing a doctor who's finished her residency, though I would have pegged her as being my age (when she's actually four years younger than me).
Based on her speech as she left - regarding how her perception of House has changed - I didn't think she would come back. I do see that IMDB's House page doesn't list dates for her casting, i.e. they haven't accounted for her permanent departure.

I occasionally wonder, when a character leaves/dies in a series, how often it's a writing decision and how often it's based on the actor/actress wanting or being forced to leave.

Regarding ages, I'll just note that Charisma Carpenter was playing a high school student on "Buffy" when she was almost 29.
True, plenty of mid-20s women are playing high school students (Kristen Bell on Veronica Mars is 24, for example). But it's unusual to see a woman playing a character a bit older than her age--I'd assume Cameron is supposed to be around 30, although I suppose that she could be younger (which would explain a few things about her character).

Anyway, this Blogcritics post says that Morrison is rumored to be coming back when we get new episodes again in May.
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Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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