Tuesday, June 01, 2004 :::
There's a new documentary called "Super Size Me", where a guy eats more than 5000 calories a day at McDonald's, every day for a month. This turns out not to be very good for his health.
I hope he wasn't too surprised.
His simplistic conclusion seems to be that McDonald's is bad. Well. On occasion, I eat too much dried fruit in a sitting. I can tell you, if you come near the bathroom door, that that isn't good for you either. What's the answer -- ban all dried fruit?
How about milk? Ever tried drinking a gallon of that in one sitting? I haven't, but I've heard it's not pretty. How about a twelve-pack of beer? Are we so bereft of ideas that we must revive the antiquated notion of prohibition?
Anyway, James Glassman has a piece at TCS, most of which is a Maria Bartiromo interview with this guy. I was especially struck by two sections -- the last paragraph, in which he indicates that he fell for Michael Moore's propaganda regarding his fight with Disney, and this comment about a rival filmmaker:You also have to question, you know, Ms. Wiley's motives. You know, she works for a Washington, DC, based lobby group called the Competitive Enterprise Institute that lobbies on behalf of the food industry, the petroleum industry, the cigarette companies. So, you know, I came into this to--to save a population. She came into this to save a corporation. There's completely different motives behind our--behind the agenda. Referring to CEI as a "lobby group" is tendentious in itself, but I'm more impressed by his failed attempt to contrast his motives with hers.
Radley Balko has written a short piece on the matter for Time. As he says,If you aren't responsible for what you put into your mouth, chew and swallow, what's left that you are you responsible for?
::: posted by Steven at 1:40 AM