Monday, June 28, 2004 :::
In case you don't read Signifying Nothing, Chris Lawrence has something to add to Eric's comment on parliaments forming minority governments. I assume both know more about parliaments in general than I, and that at least Chris knows more about Canada. (For one thing, I had thought Westminster governments were dissolved upon losing a normal vote in the parliament, but I appear to have been mistaken.)
Dean, the Queen's representative in Canada is the Governor-General. She will call on Martin or Harper to try to form a government. From what I've been reading, Martin, as the incumbent, gets first crack if no party gets a majority, even if Harper's Conservatives get 150 of the 308 seats and Martin's Liberals only take 80. So I assume he'll get first crack (since I doubt the Conservatives will get 150 seats).
::: posted by Steven at 12:34 AM