Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Thursday, May 27, 2004 :::

The Chicago Tribune (reg req) reports that the city council approved zoning for one of two new Wal-Marts for the city of Chicago. Each had the strong support of the ward in which it was to be located, as well as that ward's alderman.
South Side aldermen who split their votes said they sided with Mitts because she aggressively sought their backing, pointedly noting that Brookins ignored them and took their support for granted--until his proposal became the subject of wide debate.
Lest anyone think the city council has the best interests of the community in mind. No, one runs for city council in order to acquire power for power's sake, or perhaps for the sake of consorting with gang members.
Alderman Arenda Troutman was questioned by the FBI about her relationship with an alleged gang member after a letter from the Chicago Police Dept. to Troutman was found during a raid. Now, Troutman's brother tells ABC 7 that the 20th Ward alderman had a romantic relationship with fugitive Donnell Jehan.
Said brother has since been arrested on unrelated issues, but Troutman is not doing a good job of justifying herself; her story keeps changing, for one thing. She was my alderman for about two years; I attended a community meeting once, and a number of my neighbors asked good questions of her. Her response was always to — apparently — deliberately misconstrue the question, insult the questioner, and enthusiastically (think Howard Dean) repeat whatever she had said before on the topic. She seems no less creditable in her recent press events.

::: posted by dWj at 10:45 PM

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Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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