Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Friday, May 30, 2003 :::

I have a big test tomorrow (CFA level 1, if that means anything to you), for which I've been studying. I've been reading less blog material than usual this week, but I don't seem to be writing much less.

I'd heard that FIFA (this is soccer) was planning to move the Women's World Cup, previously scheduled for China this fall, to a different country, and that it was down to the United States and someone else (Norway?). Over at the Kitchen Cabinet, Kate reports that the U.S. has been given hosting duties, despite our having hosted it last time.

Kate also writes about road rage, with her own story. She concludes:
I had an idea the other day--fortunes handed out at toll booths. Maybe we also need mandatory "sounds of the ocean" playing in automobiles, as well. Yeah, that'd go over well--as well as the ignition-lock seatbelts went.

  1. "Fortunes" as in "fortune cookies"? Or does part of your toll buy you a lottery ticket? And why?
  2. Would mandating "sounds of the ocean" decrease road rage, or increase it?

Meanwhile, Colby Cosh has discovered again that the Canadian government cares more about Ontario than about Alberta. After the SARS outbreak in Toronto:

When the feds pumped $20 million into helping Ontario tourism to recover from the outbreak, Alberta officials praised the move. [...] On April 24 provincial health minister Gary Mar offered Ontario access to Alberta operating-room space to take the pressure off of cramped Toronto-area hospitals and even said that Alberta public-health workers could be sent to relieve their exhausted Eastern counterparts.

And now that Alberta has had a cow with spongi... uh, "mad cow disease", the response from Ontario and Ottawa:
Ontario Agriculture Minister Helen Johns is looking at ways the province could prevent Prairie cattle from entering her province.

Ottawa's decision not to waive the two-week waiting period for employment insurance for laid-off beef industry workers, was criticized Thursday by Saskatchewan's premier... Federal Human Resources Minister Jane Stewart, who waived the waiting period for workers affected by SARS, said enough measures are already in place to help workers affected by the mad cow situation.

We're all shocked. Especially Captain Renault.

I should study.

::: posted by Steven at 7:49 PM

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Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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