Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Thursday, April 10, 2003 :::

Kate laments that the Kitchen Cabinet has been moved to the last position on the Volokh blogroll.

I actually gave some thought to blog-roll positioning when I noticed a week or two back that Cosmo Macero has added us to his roll, presumably out of reciprocity. The top two spots on our blogroll are the two blogs I try to keep up with that have linked to us. The first blog that I don't read regularly is How Appealing, who has linked to us.

But it seems to me that the last place in the blogroll is probably better than third-to-last; I expect that a reader who wants to see a new blog, and follows one of my links based on its position, is most likely to visit the top blog on the list, but I think the last spot kind of stands out, too. I could have asked Macero what he'd like, but it hardly seemed worth bothering.

Incidentally, now that I look at it, I can't remember when or why I stopped keeping up with Discriminations. I'm sure time was a major factor, but I almost manage to keep up with Volokh, Instapundit, and the Corner, all of which (I think) out-do John Rosenberg on volume. I do notice that none of the blogs I try to keep up with are based on a single issue. At any rate, it's a good enough blog that I feel the need to make an excuse for not having followed it.

Those of you who don't know Discriminations might notice that I mentioned John Rosenberg's volume, while the blog description lists a Jessie as well. Jessie Rosenberg is an Abby Malcolm. Both of them are out playing bridge with Harvey the Rabbit and the Iraqi Army.

::: posted by Steven at 1:37 PM

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Dollars and Jens
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Kitchen Cabinet
Colby Cosh
The Volokh Conspiracy
The Corner
The Bleat from James Lileks
Tim Blair
Daily Ablution
Mickey Kaus
Dave Barry
How Appealing
Virginia Postrel
Reason's "Hit and Run"
Captain's Quarters
Roger L. Simon
Power Line
IWF's InkWell
Blogs for Bush
Chetly Zarko
Signifying Nothing
Cosmo Macero
Hub Blog
Ex Parte from Harvard Law's Federalists
Harvard CR blog
Priorities & Frivolities
Daley News
Emil Levitin
Politica Obscura
Wave Maker
Town Watch
Worcester County Repubs

Election '08
Don't Vote
Dave Barry
John McCain

Other Sites of Note
Townhall columnists Cambridge Republican City Committee
Cambridge Chronicle
Robert Winters
Boston Herald
Boston Globe
Boston Metro
Channel 5
Commonwealth Mag
Fox News
Massachusetts Republican Assembly
Robert Benchley Society

U.S. Constitution
9/11 commission report [7 Meg PDF]
Iraq Survey Group report
Fahrenheight 9/11 deceits


Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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