Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Thursday, January 30, 2003 :::

Speaking of which, The Kitchen Cabinet is adding new bloggers. I'm wary of this. Instapundit, please note, still blogs alone (but points to others when they write something that catches his eye). As do Andrew Sullivan and Lileks.

I haven't often seen blogs improved by new members (the glaring exception being the time I added Dean). I stopped reading Sasha Castel after she added some bloggers (one of which later proposed to her, successfully) who I thought added more in quantity than in quality. I like the new Volokhs to a degree, and still read the site, but I often skip entries by the new people ("new" being defined as "new since I started reading" -- I read everything Sasha writes, except when I get busy and ignore the site for a few days; I read what Eugene writes, if it's not too long; and I tend to read what Juan writes -- Michelle was there before I started reading, but she never posts, and I'm not convinced that she -- or Abby Malcolm at the Kitchen Cabinet, for that matter -- exists).

This sort of makes sense -- if I'm reading a site, it's because I like the bloggers who are already there. Even if a non-reader would consider a new blogger to be an improvement, my tastes are attuned to what's already going on. So maybe sites that add new bloggers gain more audience than they lose, but the prior readers are right to be wary of change in something they love.

I don't mean to be too negative, here. The Cabineteers seem to have good taste -- their blog-roll is pretty good, even though we're there pulling it down. I just hope they don't dilute themselves too much.

::: posted by Steven at 11:46 AM

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Kitchen Cabinet
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The Corner
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Dave Barry
How Appealing
Virginia Postrel
Reason's "Hit and Run"
Captain's Quarters
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IWF's InkWell
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Daley News
Emil Levitin
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Wave Maker
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Other Sites of Note
Townhall columnists Cambridge Republican City Committee
Cambridge Chronicle
Robert Winters
Boston Herald
Boston Globe
Boston Metro
Channel 5
Commonwealth Mag
Fox News
Massachusetts Republican Assembly
Robert Benchley Society

U.S. Constitution
9/11 commission report [7 Meg PDF]
Iraq Survey Group report
Fahrenheight 9/11 deceits


Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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