Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Friday, November 22, 2002 :::

At the Yale Law Blog Conference, it's been suggested that blogdom won't compete with the mainstream media unless it gets more centralized. I'm not convinced.

Just through the vast number and interconnectedness of the blogosphere, stories spread. It's true that this is more the case, at least for now, for analysis than for news; most of the stories that spread right now are pointers to Slate or the Washington Post, rather than to something a blogger has uncovered. But if you're interested in a "niche subject" that doesn't get covered by the mainstream press -- the Yale Law blogger conference, for example -- you can find a blogger or two or six who follows that sort of thing. And if something more universal -- such as fact-checking problems in a Bellesiles book -- gets reported on a web-site with thirty readers, ten of whom have their own blogs, it'll quickly be on ten more sites, from which it will continue to spread.

We do have some concentration points, too, such as Glenn Reynolds. But I don't think we necessarily need more of them, or more powerful ones. Interesting information will travel. It always has, even in communities less interconnected than ours.


::: posted by Steven at 1:56 PM

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Dollars and Jens
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Kitchen Cabinet
Colby Cosh
The Volokh Conspiracy
The Corner
The Bleat from James Lileks
Tim Blair
Daily Ablution
Mickey Kaus
Dave Barry
How Appealing
Virginia Postrel
Reason's "Hit and Run"
Captain's Quarters
Roger L. Simon
Power Line
IWF's InkWell
Blogs for Bush
Chetly Zarko
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Cosmo Macero
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Ex Parte from Harvard Law's Federalists
Harvard CR blog
Priorities & Frivolities
Daley News
Emil Levitin
Politica Obscura
Wave Maker
Town Watch
Worcester County Repubs

Election '08
Don't Vote
Dave Barry
John McCain

Other Sites of Note
Townhall columnists Cambridge Republican City Committee
Cambridge Chronicle
Robert Winters
Boston Herald
Boston Globe
Boston Metro
Channel 5
Commonwealth Mag
Fox News
Massachusetts Republican Assembly
Robert Benchley Society

U.S. Constitution
9/11 commission report [7 Meg PDF]
Iraq Survey Group report
Fahrenheight 9/11 deceits


Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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